The simple problems happen a lot to me when I code, I think they're about typos or brackets issues. It could take me a while to realise there is nothing wrong with the structure of my code but the silly typos. By Improving the process with reflection, I try to slow down a bit and look back at what I just write. This helps me to be more aware of this little mistake.
When I was doing the FizzBuzz challenge, the code I wrote surprisingly went smoothly. But there was an error message that popped up after I finished the Super FizzBuzz challenge, and I realised that I forget to push all the elements to the new array. I still remember I was so excited that I just solved the problem in such a short time.
* Pseudocode
-I know this should be the first step I should do before I write my code.
Everything would be much clear. At this point, I still need to improve this skill to break down the task into
smaller pieces.
* Trying something
- When my code doesn't work as what I expected, I love to
different methods to do it. It could be a mess sometimes with the method I don't really familiar with.
* Rubber ducky method
- When I do this method, most of the time I am talking to
myself. And maybe because of this, it only works very limitedly.
* Reading error messages
- It's really helpful, it directly points out of where
the errors are, and it makes me find out the typo mistake quickly.
* Console.logging
- I just recently started using it. By using Console.log, It
helps me to see what my code is doing so far and find out if the result is what I expected.
* Googling
- There are so many resources on the internet, so I would say this
is one of the best ways to solve problems on my own. But sometimes it's difficult to understand the results I get,
and it easily leads to a rabbit hole.
* Asking your peers for help
- I barely use this method. because I can be shy
to ask for help on public occasions and disturb others' studies sometimes.
* Asking coaches for help
- I'm glad that I have this resource. And I'm
comfortable reaching out to the coaches if I spend too much time on one error.
* Improving your process with reflection
- I know I don't want to make the same
mistakes over and over again, I use reflection to make sure I understand how the code works, instead of just
jumping to the next challenge.