A b o u t
My Learning Plan
Classes n Ids
JS Fundamentals
Problem Solving
Neuroplasticity n Growth Mindset

Foundations reflection

What are the new things you have learnt ?

I am more self-identity and self-efficacy and understand the growth mindset. During this core learning journey, I have found that I understand myself better than before and I found what values are important to me. Also because of those, I compare myself with others less than I used to.

What are the role of values, empathy, and self-awareness in learning and programming ?

The role of values, empathy, and self-awareness should be one the most important things in one's life for me. In a group society, we can't do everything just for ourselves or just for others. The value helps us to be more motivated and act intentionally. The role of empathy in the group is significantly important, it leads us to understand people's circumstances and see things from their perspective. Learning about ourselves and our own needs helps us to recognise strengths and weaknesses in our life.

What has surprised you the most about the core learning ?

Programming has never been an easy technique for me to learn, especially in this short period. Inner pressure increases with the difficulty of learning, which requires me to grow stronger courage and confidence to overcome it. Understanding neuroplasticity and the growth mindset guided me to the point where I am now, and I am proud of myself.

What were the most challenging aspects of the core learning ?

Increase self-confidence while being struggle with the learning difficulties. There were many times during my studies that I was exhausted and felt that no matter how much I thought about it, I couldn't figure out why it worked the way it did. But I tried to tell myself and believe that as long as I don't give it up and keep practising it, I will definitely make the progress and understand it.

Why do you think about spending so much time focusing on core learning ?

It helps us overcome individual learning difficulties and prepares us to enter the industry as group members.

Does the time you spent studying core learning here feel like a waste of time ?

Never. I enjoy this relaxing time of my weekly learning journey. I can not imagine if the whole course is only focused on programming concepts and just coding and more coding. I think it would burn out all my energy.