A b o u t
Classes n Ids
JS Fundamentals
Problem Solving
Neuroplasticity n Growth Mindset
Foundations reflection

My learning Plan

( NEW )Bootcamp Learning Plan :

I still haven't set a certain long-term goal yet. But I found joy in learning programming during the foundation. My goals now are to focus on learning and absorbing the knowledge as much as I can. Also, I will keep practising even though the course is finished. I know the Bootcamp is going to be way more difficult than the foundation. Also, it requires working on the projects in groups, which means I will need to be able to let others understand my words easily, as well as understand others. For those challenges, I believe I can overcome them with what I've learnt from the core learning and the support from the Bootcamp team. I expect myself to have better communication skills as a group member and grow stronger self-confidence and be able to create a project on my own.

My long term goal :

I haven't really set my long-term goals and career pathway yet. Now I want to try various new things to discover what I am passionate about and build it into my permanent career. Developing software is the only thing I want to focus on. I found it interesting and I'm excited to be in a group with intelligent people.

My strengths and limitations in learning :

It's been a while since I studied a professional project. I need to start exercising my brain again and get used to student life. Because I'm studying remotely, it's easy to be disturbed. But I know if there is something I'm passionate about, I will put tons of effort into it.

The skills I want to develop :

I want to develop better communication skills and have more flexibility, creativity, and self-confidence. I have always admired creative people and it's very important to me as well, I'd love to see myself break through self-limitation in the learning journey.

My management of the workload :

I get up at the same time and start my learning routine every day, I usually take a break every 20 minutes to let my brain and eyes get some rest. In the afternoon, go for an hour's walk to get some fresh air and exercise. In a group, we need to respect the differences with others, be kind and understand everyone is on their own learning journey, and it's also important to be kind to yourself.

Seeking help :

With the technical problem which I can't solve myself, I will seek help from the facilitators and others on Discord. And if I feel I need to talk to someone, I know I have my friends and family there for me.

What you expect from the Facilitation team :

I expect that the facilitation team will guide us and be supportive on this difficult learning journey.

Scheduling information :

DevAcademy is my only commitment now.